Michael Johnson

List of projects

Country Dates Activity
USA April 1996 Visiting Fellow in International Trade Policy, Monterey Institute of International Affairs, Monterey, California, USA
Lithuania June 1996 Short-term expert advising Government of Lithuania on agricultural policy in connection with Lithuania's negotiations to join WTO
Estonia August 1996 Short-term expert advising Government of Estonia on agricultural policy in connection with Estonia's negotiations to join WTO
Moldova May 1997 Adviser on agricultural policy on behalf of UK Government Know-How Fund in connection with Moldova's negotiations to join WTO
Namibia July 1997 and February 1998 Short-term expert in EU-funded training programme for Namibian trade officials
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia November 1997 Adviser on behalf of World Bank on administration of restrictive trade quotas
Russian Federation January 1998 Devised proposals on behalf of UK Know-How Fund for programme of technical assistance related to Russia's negotiations to join WTO
Canada March-April 1998 Consultant acting on behalf of European Commission (DG1) in joint EU-Canadian consultancy project on future of EU-Canadian economic relations
Armenia October 1999 Short-term expert training Armenian trade officials in framework of European Union TACIS aid project
Moldova May-June 2001 Expert for TACIS project on Moldova's membership of the WTO: prepared a strategy paper on procedures for implementation of WTO membership
Ghana September 2001- January 2003 Expert for UK DFID project on Development of Trade Capacity in Ghana. Preparation of "dialogue strategies" designed to improve the exchange of information between Government and stakeholders in trade related to improvement of Ghana's general international trade position and international trade policy
Ukraine July 2001- September 2002 Participation in UK DFID projects on Trade Policy Capacity Building in Ukraine and on the structure and development of Ukraine's trade with the European Union
Moldova September-October 2002 Participation in study on behalf of UK DFID for Government of Moldova of Moldova's priority objectives for WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations
ACP states March-May 2003 On behalf of the Commonwealth Secretariat, participated in study of priorities in the services sector for Commonwealth ACP states in their forthcoming negotiations with the EU for economic partnerships under the Cotonou Agreement
ACP states March-May 2003 Participated in EU Commission project to assist the governments of ACP states to determine their priorities and negotiating strategy in the WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations. Wrote paper on the relationship between trade and investment policy
Western Balkan states Autumn 2003 Co-ordinated report for the European Commission researching the effect of EU trade preferences for the Western Balkan states
Western Balkan states February-November 2004 Study on behalf of the European Commission of non-tariff and other impediments to trade among South-East European countries
Developing countries February 2004-
June 2005
Study with IPDM, University of Manchester, on behalf of the European Commission concerning the economic and social consequences of further liberalisation of trade in distribution services
Vietnam December 2004 Engaged on behalf of German Government to participate in training seminars concerning Vietnam's WTO accession negotiations
Ghana April-June 2005 Under contract to Ministry of Trade and Industry, acted as expert on multilateral and regional trade policy in formulation of detailed proposals for implementation of Ghana National Trade Policy
Western Balkan States May-October 2005 Participation in seminars mounted on behalf of the EU on adaptation of financial services regulation to conform to EU law and practice
Ukraine February-July 2005 Participation in World Bank project to prepare for Ukraine's accession to the World Trade Organization
Republic of Maldives November 2005-November 2006 Service on behalf of the European Commission as part-time adviser on trade policy to the Maldives Ministry of Economic Development and Trade
Republic of Vietnam June-July 2006
and March 2007
Participation in European Commission's Multilateral Trade Assistance Project (MUTRAP) on programme to raise awareness of officials and public concerning WTO Doha Development Agenda issues. Worked with officials of Ministry of Trade and others on preparation of WTO-related reports and analyses and took part in seminars in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
Ukraine April-October 2007 Joint author of Instruction Manual for Ukrainian trade officials on observance of WTO notification obligations and conduct of training course
Ukraine June 2007 Speaker at conference in Odessa, Ukraine, on issues arising in Ukraine/EU free trade area negotiations
Republic of Vietnam December 2007 and February-March 2008 Under EU MUTRAP 2 programme, conducted seminars in Haiphong, Hanoi, Hue, Vung Tau and Ho Chi Minh City for central and regional government officials and business representatives, on the techniques and skills of international trade negotiation
Republic of Maldives March 2008-September 2009 Team leader for project under the Integrated Framework for developing countries, to identify opportunities for the development of service activities and exports in Maldives
Republic of Nepal December 2008-April 2009 Under contract to UNESCAP, advised the Government of Nepal on procedures for compliance with WTO requirements, including notification to the WTO of Government measures affecting trade. Prepared detailed procedural manual on notifications
Federal Republic of Nigeria From April 2011 Engaged by Saana Consulting Ltd. (UK) under contract to UK DFID to assist with development and refinement of trade-related technical assistance projects under Policy Development Facility. Team leader for review of Nigeria's trade policy
Developing countries From February 2012 Adviser to Saana Consulting Ltd. and Crown Agents on project selection under the DFID Trade Advocacy Fund (TAF). Editor of series of guidance toolkits for developing countries on aspects of international trade negotiations
Developing countries February-May 2012 For Saana Consulting Ltd. and Crown Agents devised and directed a TAF coaching seminar for officials from LDCs and Lower Income Countries on participation in international trade negotiations
ASEAN countries October 2012 As part of an EU-funded training programme, devised and directed a simulated negotiation in Bangkok, Thailand, for 50 officials of ASEAN countries concerning a free trade area for services
Lithuania March 2013 Conducted EU-funded training seminars for Lithuanian officials in preparation for the 2013 Lithuanian Presidency of the EU concerning relations with China and Japan
East African Community July-December 2013 For Saana Consulting Ltd. on behalf of DANIDA, review of the provisions of Bilateral Investment Treaties for the purpose of advice to EAC on policy for negotiations with the US and EU
Union of Comoros March-July 2014 Contracted by Crown Agents as quality controller for preparation of ToR and scrutiny of project bids for UK Trade Advocacy Fund project in the Union of Comoros
Nigeria December 2014 Engaged by GIZ to review and re-edit draft Nigeria Trade Policy 2014 and proposed trade policy implementation strategy document
Republic of Burundi December 2014-June 2015 Engaged by Saana Consulting Ltd. under contract to TradeMark East Africa to review and evaluate the impact on trading enterprises in the Republic of Burundi of taxes imposed by the Government and of other barriers and obstacles to trade
West Africa August 2015 Engaged by Saana Consulting Ltd. under contract to DANIDA to coordinate preparation of report on Stage 1 of project 'Accelerating Trade in West Africa'
East Africa February-May 2016 For Saana Consulting Ltd. under contract to TradeMark East Africa, coordinated desk research for study of progress of the East African Community partner states in implementing requirements of the EAC Common Market Protocol


Career profile
Project list
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